This Saturday sees round 3 of the 2019 SART Championship kick off from the Robertstown Oval, the Velocette MCC’s Lew Job 2 Day Reliability Trial, which will start with almost 100 entries, solo and sidecar, from 1.30pm on Saturday and 9.01am on Sunday, and is sponsored this year by Titanium Security Australia.
Run in honour of Velocette MCC Life Member, and long time sidecar rider, Lew Job, this year’s event will one to remember, but with an old favourite missing, with Springhut Creek having a rest for the first time in many years
Once again it looks to be a dry affair, with little rain falling in the area so far in 2019, and what has fallen in the past 2 weeks will not be enough to quell the dust!
However, if you are heading out to watch, perhaps put in a rain jacket, as it wouldn’t be the first time that decent and heavy rains have started to fall down in the Robertstown Ranges not long after bike #1 starts their 2 day journey in this event!
Spectators won’t have far to go to watch some great action, with a competitive section close to main control.
So, with free entry for spectators, a fully catered event at Main Control, bring along a deck chair and sit down to watch some great 2, AND 3, wheeled action during the afternoon and into the evening Saturday of this 2 day event.
Here’s all the low down of the days;
Event Schedule (Saturday)
Sign On and Scrutineering: 10.30am – 1.00pm
Riders Briefing: 12.45pm
First Bike Start: 1.31pm
Work period begins; 8.31am
First Bike Start: 9.01pm
Competitor list
For the full list of who is riding this event, as well as their start time, hit the link; https://sartchampionship.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/2019-Lew-Job-Robertstown-2-Day-Reliability-Trial-Rider-List.pdf
Starting Order
The course is approx. 86 km in total distance and approx. 2.8 hrs per lap, with day and night riding on the Saturday (2 laps) and daylight only on the Sunday (2 laps).
The competition class will be in order of Expert sidecars, Clubman sidecars, & Masters, solo clubman & solo experts. The first rider will leave main control at 1.31 pm on Saturday & 9.01 Sunday.
Spectator Viewing
Instructions to the spectator locations are in the event programme which are available at Main Control.
Property Respect
The Velocette MCC ask that all competitors and support crew (family, friends, whoever) respect their landowners and all signage regarding where you can and cannot go. If anyone is spotted in a location that is prohibited for spectators, both those support crews and the rider they are with may be asked to pack up and leave the event immediately.
The property owners are the only reason Clubs are able to run these events, and the Velocette MCC would like to thank you in advance for respecting the private property they have been granted use of by not returning after the event.
Live Timing
Live timing will be available during the event on the series website (www.sartchampionship.com) and at Main Control on the allocated TV screen.
Catering and Bar Facilities
Full catering will be available all weekend thanks to the Robertstown footy and social clubs.
And of course, the well renowned mutton & gravy rolls will once again be a highlight of some awesome country hospitality (below left)!
Camping for the weekend is welcomed & encouraged anywhere within the football oval grounds – with a large undercover area around the canteen / catering & clubrooms area (below right).
Toilet facilities are available.
Pics courtesy of Thomas Ware Photography & Robertstown website.