As most would know, ACUSA Park got hit in the recent bushfires, and since that time the Park Committee have been working flat out to get the Park back up and running for 2020 – here is the latest update!
Acusa Park working bee this Saturday 15th February. 8am to noon.
The support for the working bees after the fire went through the property has been awesome thanks to great bunch of volunteers.
Thank you all for your time donated at the working bees, it’s been great to have that support which is really needed to get the property up and running for the coming season.
While we are still concentrating on fire damage and repairs other plans that have been made for the year are falling behind schedule so our challenge is to get back on track, and we simply can’t do it without help.
Our major project for this year is to get the dirt track up and running again and to do this the old fence has to be replaced. Other projects are also planned so for this reason we will continue to hold working bees over the next couple of months.
The working bee dates are;
Saturday 15th February 8am – noon. Everyone is welcome!
Sat. 29th February 8am to noon
March 7th, 8th & 9th We will be there for the long weekend and have quite a few things planned so all helpers are welcome and if you wish to stay for all or part of the weekend you are welcome to camp.
Sat. March 21st from 8am to noon.
If you are available we would sincerely appreciate a hand if only for a few hours. If you are able to bring a trailer, chainsaw and wire cutters, bolt cutters, fencing pliers etc. it would be handy but not essential. Also bring gloves and safety glasses etc if you have them.
Please enter via the main gate on Snake Gully Road.