13th May 2020
Dear clubs,
It certainly has been a challenging time for everyone in the past 2 months. It is encouraging however that it appears Australia is doing a great job controlling COVID-19.
With this in mind, we are pleased to announce that recreational based riding can now resume at your club under the below principles. This model is slightly different to what you may be used to, but it is just a temporary measure to allow your members to get back on their bikes if your state government restrictions allow it to occur.
For all disciplines other than those listed in point 3, clubs will be able to apply for a Ride Park Australia (RPA) permit as per RPA conditions and guidelines in the attached document.
For activities held on Dirt Track, Speedway and Road courses you will also apply for an RPA permit however current MA conditions and operational guidelines around these disciplines still apply. For further information please contact your SCB.
A valid MA license is not required.
Public Liability insurance will be in place for the time period of the permit which can be applied for via your state office.
Those members that do hold a valid annual MA license will have personal accident insurance cover as per the Motorcycling Australia policy.
The cost per rider payable to MA or your SCB is $15.00 which will be passed directly onto the insurance company. Your sign on sheets will be emailed to your State office and Motorcycling Australia.
All current COVID-19 health measures and restrictions that are valid must be adhered to within your RPA event. Any breaches of these restrictions will be at the risk solely of the club.
This is a temporary measure and will be evaluated once further restrictions are lifted.
If you have any queries, please contact your state office. Please note you would have also received a statement regarding annual licenses from Motorcycling Australia in the past day. This is the most current update on the status of annual licenses.
The events calendar is now being finalised for a return to competition in July (all being well), so the MSA Calendar on this website will begin to be updated in the coming days. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks!
Non competitive Ride Days can now be held – under the restrictions – and for all the details head to our new ‘Ride Parks Australia’ page on the MSA website; www.motorcyclingsa.org.au/rpa